Health and Wellness

The Mayo Clinic has a great website here on what to do and not to do to stay healthy

This is the Minnesota Department of Health’s website on the virus

Local company Snap Fitness is offering free access for 90 days to the virtual fitness platform FitnessOnDemand

The World Health Organization has this quick and easy video for you:

This is the CDC’s website on Coronavirus prevention

The Red Cross has a quick and easy website about what to do here to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at cbdschool

NPR has a great comic on explaining COVID-19 to kids

Talking to Children about Covid-19 by National Association of School Psychologists

NYTimes Parenting How to Talk to Kids About Coronavirus

How to wash hands properly

Peloton has extended their free trial to 90 days. A Peloton bike is not necessary .